Factorio - Trailer 2020

Factorio - Gameplay Trailer (2016)

About the game

Factorio is a game in which you build and maintain factories.

You will be mining resources, researching technologies, building infrastructure, automating production, and fighting enemies. Use your imagination to design your factory, combine simple elements into ingenious structures, apply management skills to keep it working, and protect it from the creatures who don't really like you.

The game is very stable and optimized for building massive factories. You can create your own maps, write mods in Lua, or play with friends via Multiplayer.

Factorio was in development from the spring of 2012 to the beginning of 2021. So far over 3,500,000 people have bought the game. You can get it from Steam, GOG, or directly from our shop.

Would you like to know more?


Check out our page of Factorio artwork, concept sketches, and behind the scenes images.

Latest releases





Said about us

This looks pretty cool ...
Nathan Adams, Minecraft Developer

Recent blog posts

Friday Facts #417 - Space Age development

Posted by kovarex on 2024-06-28

Hello, we usually show finished stuff in Friday facts these days, but I personally always liked to have a peek behind the curtains and see the (temporary) mess there. This motivated me to do some kind of overview of how the overall expansion development felt from my perspective. If you are like me, you might appreciate it. Our story starts in February 2021 with FFF-365 when we announced the plan to do the expansion pack.

Friday Facts #416 - Fluids 2.0

Posted by raiguard on 2024-06-21

Hello, Grab your best lube, because it's time to talk about fluids!

Featured mods

For more, visit the official mod portal!